Monday, April 01, 2019

Water Turbine for Saughton Park

Just had some great news! We are all set to start on the water turbine. Why am I so pleased? It all started in 2004 when Paul Turner came to me and showed me a report by Garvald that outlined the possibility of a water wheel on the Weir at Saughton Park. I took it to the Council who did their own phoeseability study in 2005 which concluded that there were a number of points on the Water of Leith (including the Weir) where microgeneration was possible. This also included our three reservoirs in the Pentland Hills. Fifteen years, another phoeseability study , a switch from water wheels to water turbines , a successful launch of the Balerno Village trust turbine on Harlaw reservoir, a petition and many , many emails and updates later and it looks like it is finally happening.  I have been an advocate for this project throughout even putting a motion to the full Council to tie it in with the celebration of the Hundred years since the Scottish National Exhibition (two administrations ago). Huge congratulations and thank you to Linda Anglin the Saughton Park Project Manager who has finally got this off the ground.

If all goes according to plan it is expected that work will commence on or just after 22 April and be completed by the end of this year.